Project Manager Profile: Stan Bearden

Level Craft Construction is a strong unit supported by many hard-working and talented individuals. Constructing beautiful homes is what we do best, and this would not be possible without the commitment and drive exhibited by our team. 

Project Manager Stan Bearden is a diligent member of the Level Craft Construction crew. Working in the new home construction industry since 1994, Bearden has plenty of valuable experience in custom homebuilding, high volume production, remodeling and light commercial construction.

His day-to-day operations mainly include scheduling and managing each project aspect, handling contractors and walking through job sites. His dedication and detailed approach ensure the expectations of Level Craft Construction and the client are shared with contractors for proper execution. Bearden also oversees warranty and is the point of contact for all homeowners should any issues arise. Clients also personally connect with Bearden through homeowner orientations at the end of a project.

When asked to share what motivates him in his role, Bearden said that giving a client the best possible home is the ultimate driver. He also shared that he thoroughly enjoys being a part of the Level Craft Construction crew and working on many unique projects. A team that works well together and complements each other’s talents is key to creating and delivering beautiful, well-constructed homes.

Being a project manager is a challenging role at times and Bearden shared that the most demanding aspect of his role is maintaining schedules and project expectations in a fluid manner. The positive feedback Level Craft Construction receives is due to the high level of dedication from team members such as Bearden. 

“I want people to know that I am driven to give them the best quality home I can,” said Bearden. “As a client, you will always be treated with kindness, respect and honesty.”

Another motivator for Bearden is the moment a finished home brings joy to a client’s life. Hard work, long hours and many other unseen factors go into each Level Craft project and homeowner satisfaction makes each hard day worth the struggle. 

To learn more about talented Level Craft Construction team members such as Stan Bearden, visit our blog. For home design inspiration, recent renovation stories and popular trends, check out our residential page.