Some shy away from exterior house colors. Feeling like color is too large of a statement to make on any permanent, public fixture—many choose beiges, bisques, and bone and spite anything that packs a small color-punch. I get it. You don’t want to call attention to yourself. You’d rather live quietly. Mow your lawn on Saturdays. Barbecue on Sundays. You feel like your home is a direct reflection of who you are—and you’re right. However, if you’re on the cusp of choosing an exterior color for your home I’d like you to add another leaf to your decision tree—does your house color match your neighborhood?

The home posted here illustrates my point. This was a 1,700 square feet addition and renovation project on Clay Street in quirky historically-rich Kirkwood. As most of you know, the Craftsman Bungalow is the most prominent architectural home style in Kirkwood. Blue looks really sharp on bungalows and we wanted these wonderful casement windows to stand out. We factored in the artistically-spirited neighborhood and blue was the clear choice. If I had to pinpoint this hue of blue on the color wheel I’d say it belongs somewhere between dusty cobalt and dark pastel. In my opinion the sharp color enhances the definition of the home structure. I really love it. More importantly, so do the home owners.

Next time you choose an exterior home color factor in the personality, history, and feel of your neighborhood. Browse the internet for clues and historical tidbits. Get to know your neighborhood’s personality and the temperament of your street. Discovering the right color for your home can be a fun and interesting journey. And if your exterior color matches your neighborhood you’ll always feel right at home.

Thanks for reading!